Shipping rate is based upon a rate of $3.76 for all shipments regardless of amount or weight. Shipments are limited to the continental 48 states. Shipments are shipped with logistics companies and delivered to the USPS nearest to your location. Other methods such as UPS and FedEx will have additional charges based on published rates by these carriers. To receive the $3.76 shipping rate just select the Parcel rate.
Shipping times are dependent on shipping methods and stock availability. Tracking is sent as soon as your shipment is shipped and tracking numbers are live on the following day. You can track through the following website for the respective shippers. (UPS), (FEDEX), and for regular parcel shipments.
Shipping times are dependent on shipping methods and stock availability. Tracking is sent as soon as your shipment is shipped and tracking numbers are live on the following day. You can track through the following website for the respective shippers. (UPS), (FEDEX), and for regular parcel shipments.